This is an attempt to reconstruct Curses, release 16 in Inform 6. This work draws heavily on the recreation done by Allen Garvin, see: The reconstructed game is supposed to by as true to the original as possible, even though a few bugs are fixed (most notably the bug that lets you score twice for the "smooth stone".). The original source code has been lost. According to, in Graham's words: To my great regret, the source code for Curses is now lost. It was for a while on a disk promisingly labelled “Curses source code”, but that disk is unreadable, and not for want of trying. Somewhere in my many changes of address and computer, I lost the necessary tech, or damaged it. (And Jigsaw too, alas.) It wouldn’t be hard to resurrect something, by working from a disassembly of the story file: there’s actually a tool to turn story files into Inform 6 out there somewhere. I occasionally think of asking if anyone would like to do that, and perhaps produce a faithful Inform 7 implementation. Compiles with Inform 6 version 6.41 or later using the Standard Library 6/11.