Ember Routing Practice


  • Define routes that render the correct temples.
  • Define a nested route that renders a nested template.
  • Use Handlebars to render the links to different pages.


You'll be building out the following routes to render templates:

  • / - the homepage

  • /about - the about page

  • /hello - a page that says hello to you

  • /contributors/sophie - a nested route that renders a nested template that tells you all about one of the contributors to this project (me! hi guys.)

  • First, define the above routes in app/router.js. The /sophie route should be nested unded the /contributors route.

  • Once you have your router defined, you can move on to your templates.

  • The application.hbs template should have a navigation bar. The list items for the nav bar can be found inside the following element in that template:

<ul class="nav navbar-nav">

You MUST fill in the <li>s we provided for you with the correct links. Don't make your own nav bar. The tests are looking for selectors in this navbar.

Fill our the navbar <li>s with a link to the about page and a link to the hello page. The first

  • should contains the link to the hello page, the second <li> should contain the link to the about page.

    • Create a app/templates/hello.hbs that contains the text "Hello!", in an <h4>.
    • Create a app/templates/about.hbs that contains the word "About", in an <h4>.
    • Create a app/templates/contributors/sophie.hbs that contains the text: Sophie is a contributor to this project. in <p> tags.