This is a reference rails application that shows an implementation with all vital security controls.

Ruby version


System dependencies

  • Postgres 13.2
  • Devise for authentication with use of bcrypt
  • Minitest


  • All routes require authentication

How to run the test suite

rails test test/

Deployment instructions

  • Deployed to Heroku


Log-out button

By adding a prominent logout button, we help users to clear out the cookies after working.

Forcing SSL

By always forcing SSL connection in our application config file for the production environment, we ensure that the cookies cannot be sniffed and help prevent XSS/session fixation.

Brakeman Scanning

Brakeman is a command-line tool that analyzes the source code of Ruby on Rails applications to find potential security vulnerabilities.

Dependabot Alerts

Dependabot is integrated on our Github repository to get notified when one of our dependencies has a vulnerability. Dependabot will automatically keep our application up-to-date by updating dependencies in response to these alerts.