#Day Two of React For DevMountain ##Things to cover
- Webpack
- Basic React Review
- Component Life-Cycle
- Asynchronous Data
- Small JS Context Review
- Default Props
- Prop Types
- Dependencies
- --save vs --save-dev
- File Tree
- Loaders
- es6
- Babel and Babel Config
- Basically anything you could ever need
- Config
- Entry
- Ouput
- Loaders
###Basic React Review
- Render Method
- Curly Braces for JS
- State
- getInitalState
- setState
- Event Handlers
- onClick
- onKeyUp
- onWhateverElseYouNeed
- Props
<Component prop={value} />
- this.props
###Component Life-Cycle
- Mounting
- componentWillMount
- componentDidMount
- Updating
- componentWillReceiveProps
- Unmounting
- componentWillUnmount
###Small JS Context Review
- Function.prototype.bind
- Context
- Partial application
###Asynchronous Data
- jQuery?
- Other (better) options
- Axios
- $http vs Axios
- Where?
- When?
- From promise/callback to state
###Default Props
- Easy to implement
- Why to implement
###Prop Types
- Types
- Javascript Types
- Advanced typing
- shape
- arrayOf
- How
- Why
###Mini Project
- Try not to get lost in the steps
- Continually think of what you're trying to build over what you think the step wants
- You're learning how JavaScript works more than React-specific syntax