
Advent of Code 2023

Primary LanguagePython

Advent of Code 2023

using Python

Day 1:

I just slammed out some gross python code, that second part was tough.

Day 2:

This felt a little easier than day one to me, but there was more to parse out correctly. I made the script less gross this time.

Day 3:

This was brutal! I basically brute forced it - and the approach I took worked, but I had some weird edge cases and bugs to figure out. In particular, I had one bug that missed a single gear in my input data, and I spent a while tracking it down. It was related to the number being adjacent to the symbol and also being the last number in the line. 🤦‍♂️

There's probably a really nice sliding window approach that would make more sense for this problem, looking forward to seeing other solutions.

Day 4:

This one was pretty easy, not complaining though! For part one I used a dictionary to track the count of winning numbers and then added their count to the match count for each of the numbers we had in the winning set. For part two, I used another dictionary to track the current count of cards, when cards win they update their count in the dictionary by however many copies there are of that card.

Day 5:

I had a lot of trouble with the second part of this one. First was only a few minutes, but the second part couldn't be brute forced, at least in the time that I had. I ended up looking at the subreddit for help... we have to move through the maps in ranges instead, which is no big deal if the seed range doesn't overlap the map range. If it's overlapping, you can split it into two ranges, map the overlapping range through the map, and leave non overlapping ranges alone. It's day 5! I'm a little scared for the rest of the month. 😅

Day 6:

Nice! This was an interesting problem. I found it easier than yesterday's problem. I didn't even bother with trying to brute force the solution for part 2 this time. The max distance you can travel in the race is if you wait until duration / 2 seconds to start moving. So with that, you can start at the max duration and binary search down to the left and the right to find the first time where you won't make it on each end - all the times in between will be the ways you can win. There's probably a math solution to this one, but I didn't think about it too hard.

Update: Ah could have used math! speed * (duration - speed) = speed ^ 2 + speed * duration record < speed ^ 2 + speed * duration record = (speed ^ 2 + speed * duration) speed ^ 2 + speed * duration - record = 0

use quadratic formula to solve for speeds at the edges! Should have thought about it a bit longer before jumping to binary search!

Day 7:

This was a super fun problem! A bit tricky, I sorted first on the hand rank and then to get a value for card rank between hands that have the same hand rank, I mapped the values to a number using card_value * 13 ^ card_index, 13 because there are 13 cards - it's like a base 13 number system. Made a couple mistakes handling the J's in the second part but I was able to track them down. Code is a mess today, might clean it up tomorrow.

Day 8:

The second part was hard for me to wrap my head around for this one. Got a hint about the individual paths being fast to compute from a discord convo and that made it clear to me. Get the length of the path for each starting node along the directions and then find the lcm of all of them. The number is huge, so brute force would have taken impossible or just really slow at least. The LCM trick also only works for a specific set of inputs (eg the paths are all multiples of the set of directions, etc) - I won't be surprised if there's a more general solution that ends up being required for a problem later in the month...

Day 9:

This one felt pretty straightforward, I think he was giving us a break after a strong start.

Day 10:

This was the hardest day for me for sure. I had the idea figured out for both parts, but I ran into a lot of problems debugging and implementing correctly. I definitely could have used a better algorithm for part 1, I'm running two DFS, one to make an adjacency list and one to find the nodes in the path, mostly because I just wanted to work with the adjacency list (dictionary). I know the algorithm for part 2 right away because I've seen it before, I was trying to implement a simple version of it but I was having trouble with separating "crossing" the path with being "parallel but above or below the path". I ended up just looking up an implementation of "point in poly" instead of writing a simple custom one and that seemed to do the trick.

Glad this one was on a Sunday!

Reviewing other's solutions:

  • I removing information to try to work with a simplified version of the problem for the second part. I switched to using a 1 for anything in the path and a 0 for anything not in the path. The problem with this is that it was tricky to determine if there was a crossing or now when there was an extended parallel path. The solution I saw used only a subset of the types of pipes (eg only 7, |, and L) - to count the crossings. This automatically handles the extended parallel paths because they don't have any crossings.

Also definitely don't need two DFS for part 1, there's only two connections on the nice path so you can just make the adjacency list and then do a DFS from there to get the path.


Day 11:

This one was straightforward - probably trying to give us a break after yesterday's problem. For part 1 I just naively expanded the grid and then calculated the distances. For part 2, it would have been impossible to expand the grid that much, but you can just track the number of expanded rows and columns between the two galaxies. That tells you how many new rows/cols are added on expansion so you can add that to the distance.

Day 12:

This is hard! I managed to naively solve part 1 by recursively generating all the options and counting the valid ones. It's not going to work for part 2 though. I'm going to have to think about this one more...

Like the plant problem below, I think this a dp problem - I have no idea how to set up the subproblems at the moment though... tbd.


  • need to make the subproblems smaller - eg chop off the part of the string that has already matched and the groups that have been matched. So I think the function almost is correct but it needs to consider the whole string all the time. If the chunks are smaller more of them will get cached and it might actually be fast enough to run the input.

Finally got it! Though I did not do it on my own, unfortunately. I was on the right track, but I wasn't able to figure out the correct way to form the subproblems so that it could be easily cached. The trick is that once you finish a group, you basically don't care about how you got there (eg you want to just add all the possible ways there were to resolve it). You can cache on where you are in the string, the current group you're working on, and the hash count (eg count of broken springs). I don't know that the idea of resolving one group at a time like that would have occurred to me on my own, but I'm glad I got to struggle with it for a while before looking at the subreddit.


Day 13:

Working on this one now, I have two possible approaches in mind. The first is to compute the row counts and column counts for each row and column (the number of "#"s they have) because it's easier to rule points of symmetry out that way. Then I can just each possible point of symmetry. I think there is also a window approach that could work. Like the window is always as wide as the shortest distance to the edge of the map. The the first half of the window is negative and the second half is positive. You can slide it across the map and check if the window is ever 0.

Update: got it done after work. The first approach with row and column counts turned out to be a premature optimization and it was making the logic more difficult to implement. Instead, I just took each possible row/col as a reflection point and checked if the map was symmetric with two pointers, expanding outwards to the left and right / top and bottom. The only change needed to get the second part to work was to check specifically for reflection points that were exactly off by one, instead of perfect reflections.

Day 14:

Completed part 1 - the one time I skip over doing the brute force solution, it seems like it might be needed for part 2 🤦‍♂️. Instead of actually moving the rocks, I counted the rocks between "#"s and used that to determine the weight when they fall. Part 2 is going to rotate, so it's got to do the same thing but in different directions. I'm trying to avoid actually simulating this and instead, maybe I can compute the weight, generate the new map from the weight, and then "rotate" and repeat. Update: looking good as far as repeating the sample input after 3 cycles, but I just realized that my weight calculation is wrong for the this part because it's coupled to the north tilt. Just need to make it separate and compute the weight, hopefully that will do it. Then need to find the cycle length and mod the requested cycles with it (the process seems to repeat a bunch after a certain number of cycles point).

Update: got it! I had way too much trouble trying to figure out the index for the cycle on this, bunch of off by one stuff, but the idea was there.

Day 15:

Straightforward today, had to do it at lunch time because we're busy tonight and I slept in too much to get it done before work. I relied on dictionary ordering in Python to maintain the right order, which is an implementation detail AFAIK and not guaranteed - it works though!

Day 16:

Part 1 seems like the pipe problem from earlier. Going to try to do the same and traverse using DFS but the trick here is that the visited criteria is going to depend on which direction we came from (and the direction we're going will depend on the direction we came from also). Part 1 was a little tedious but not too bad. Part 2 seems like more DP or caching but I'm not sure how to set it up yet. Basically need to check all the starting points on the edges and determine which gives the highest number of nodes in the path. Once you are at a node going a given direction, you know exactly how many nodes are in the path so no need to recompute it.

Tried recursive so that caching was easier to understand, but too much recursion for the real input.

I think instead, I'm going to try going backwards - for each node on the edge, if you could end there go backwards and see how many nodes you can get to. Then each node and direction will have a count of how many nodes are in the path in front of it. Then from each possible starting node, add the values from the node(s) it can reach next and take the max to get the right node to start from.

TBD if that works, handling the directions is tedious (unrelated).

Update: that's probably the right way, but I also realized it's not that hard to brute force this one... It's super slow, but "get a coffee" slow vs "end of the universe" slow. I'm going to try to get the start and then read some other people's solutions to see how they went about it. ^ This worked, ran in about 10 minutes lol.

Day 17:

This seems like Dijsktra's algorithm problem - I tried to implement a recursive take / don't take approach but it has a bug somewhere. Going to switch to trying to implement Dijsktra's algorithm instead...

Dijkstra's algorithm worked, for part 1 so far at least... I had bug with how I was counting consecutive straight steps that cost me a lot of time.

Part 2 was pretty straightforward given part 1, which I appreciate given how much time I spent debugging part 1 lol.

Day 18:

Part 1 one was pretty straightforward, I tried to get shoelace algo working to compute the area but I'm not getting the right answer so I'm doing something wrong. So to solve part 1, I just checked every point in the bbox of the path and counted the ones that were inside the path. Part 2 input is larger so this won't work, need to get something like shoelace to compute the area without actually generating points.

Shoelace is the way to go, you have add the perimeter so that's what was going wrong. Had a rounding error as some the np calcs were floats to avoid overflow on the main input, that was dumb should have made them int64s.

Day 18

and part 2 (just the path):

Day 18

Day 19:

Part 1 done! Got it done at lunch because I slept in today. I just parsed the parts and workflows and moved the parts through, didn't try anything fancy for part 1. Going to finish up after work with part 2 - looks like it's going to be completely different from part 1..., might have to think about it a bit...

Update: I'm pretty sure I have a good approach but I'm struggling to get it working correctly. At least in the same ballpark as the sample input. I'm trying:

  • start with full range of possible values (1, 4000),... (1, 4000)
  • check the range against workflow
  • split it into ranges affected by the rule and ranges not affected
  • for the ranges affected, push the workflow that it maps to onto the queue
  • for the ranges not affected, push the new state onto the queue (it might be affected by the next rule on another iteration)
  • repeat until the workflow queue is empty
  • repeat until all the ranges have been processed
  • count the number of ranges that are in the final state

I had to look at reddit for help, I had the right algorithm but I was doing some weird extra loop thing that I didn't need. 🤷‍♂️ Much better now.

Day 20:

Part 1 done at lunch today, going to have to try to tackle part 2 after work.

Part 2 is done! Needed to figure out when all the parents of the node that feeds into 'rx' cycle. Then you can compute when they will all cycle using lcm of all of them. I had a bug checking for this because I was checking after the signals had completed. You actually have to check anytime 'rx' gets a signal because more could happen after that point and it will seem like the parents aren't flipping. Thanks to discord user invakid404 for the help with that - I would have taken a while to find that bug!

Day 21:

Used a normal BFS for part 1, any square found on an even number of steps is a valid square. Not sure what to do for part 2 yet, seems like an after work type problem...

This was the hardest problem yet I think. I noticed the pattern in plotting them and scribbling little replicas of the tiles on paper, but I couldn't get a working solution out of that idea. I ended up looking at the subreddit for clues - and it turns out that it grows quadratically with steps, so you can just compute an answer with minor changes to the part 1 solution (so you can handle infinite boundaries) and then fit a quadratic to the points. Used numpy for that part.

Day 22:

Got part 1 finished at lunch, going to try to tackle part 2 after work.

I had this worked out a long time ago but I two stupid bugs that took me a while to track down - in the debugging I totally changed my approach, but I like the new way better. The first problem was updating the height of the bricks end z coord after I had already moved the start z coord (so its height) got messaged up. The second problem was that I was double counting the bricks in the support check - so some bricks were getting flagged as safe to remove, when really the support / supported_by dictionaries had duplicates.

At first I made an "occupancy grid" to track the bricks, so it was the full size of the x, y, z coords available and stored true/false if there was a brick there. This actually worked - though it seems heavy. In my struggle to debug, I switched to just keeping a map of x, y, z where z is the highest z at that x, y. This uses less memory so and it's running fast enough I think.

Finally got part 2 done, had a lot of issues counting the bricks that were depending on the brick I was removing - it turned out to be wayyy easier to just use a set in the graph instead of a list, switching that simplified the logic enough for my smooth brain to handle it lol. Before that I was using a count to compare the child's parents to the list of nodes already removed.

Day 23:

Probably going to be a hard one - I'm assuming that just brute forcing it won't work. Going to try anyway though... The ideas I have to try are:

  • dfs - each time we hit the target node return the path len and take the max
  • backtracking - add to seen set, recurse, remove from seen set type thing, need to figure out how to keep paths separate

Update: dfs worked for part 1, but it's probably going to be too slow for part2. It's been running for a couple minutes now and it's not done yet, so I guess removing the restrictions on movement makes a big difference in a grid this big.

While it's plugging away, thinking about how to speed it up...

Input looks like:

Day 23

This was a cool trick! Condenses all the nodes that are only connected to two other nodes, so that's all that is left are the intersections and the weight of the edges between them (the number of nodes squished together). Then you can brute force it just like part 1 because it's way smaller.

Day 24:

Part 1 done! Excited that it's not a grid problem today, mostly all math. Part 1 solved for the times that the two paths cross (in their own t coordinate) and checked whether they were both positive (in the future) if they existed.

Part 2 is more difficult - but I'm going to try the following:

  • guess the params for the rock
  • compute the distance between the path of the rock and all other paths
  • minimize the distance between the paths using derivatives

^ this way isn't working - it's converging but not to the right answer. Trying a different approach now...

Solve for exact times directly instead of path distance? This is nonlinear... but could use Newton's method to solve it, Jacobian is easy to get analytically...

Update: couldn't get that working right, going to Christmas eve dinner soon so I just used sympy (suggested on reddit) to solve it - would have liked to work it out myself without sympy but I spent too much time on it today lol.