
Goal-Conditioned Trajectory Generation with Autoregressive Transformer

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Goal Conditioned Trajectory Generation With Autoregressive Transformer



  • Install PyTorch (torch and torchvision). Code developed with python 3.10.11, torch==1.11.0 and torchvision==0.12.0.
  • Install other dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Warning: Atari ROMs will be downloaded with the dependencies, which means that you acknowledge that you have the license to use them.
  • To access the pretrained model, you'll need to have Git LFS installed.


For the training and evaluating the goal-conditioned world model, please follow the steps below.

1. Get the pre-trained world model weights from IRIS

First, clone the pretrained model repository of IRIS here. Ensure you have Git LFS installed in advance.

2. Move the weights file to checkpoints/last.pt

Please choose the model weights according to your training environment. Move the weights file to checkpoints/ directory, and rename it to last.pt. For this work, Breakout.pt was used.

3. Configure settings

  • All configuration files are located in config/, the main configuration file is config/trainer.yaml.
  • In config/trainer.yaml, please check initialization.path_to_checkpoint. Replace /path/to/goal-conditioned-iris/checkpoints/last.pt appropriately to your source code path.
  • Also, check common.planning_steps and set this as you want. This denotes the number of states between the start and goal state including both states. (default: 5)
  • If you are trying to train on the environment other than Breakout, please check out config/env/default.yaml and change train.id to the environment you want. (default: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4)

4. Run Notebooks

After the configuration, you can run the following notebooks sequentially:

  1. src/0_Expand_Action_Space.ipynb
  2. src/1_Train_World_Models.ipynb
  3. src/2_Evaluate_World_Models.ipynb

Each notebook contains full instructions and explanations. Simply adhering to them should be sufficient.

Note: Generating Custom Trajectories (For OOD Evaluation)

Please run ./scripts/play.sh -k on bash, and play until the game is over. The trajectories are recorded whenever the game resets, and saved as custom_trajectories/[date_and_time_you'd_played].pt.

Currently, custom_trajectories/sample.pt are stored as a sample trajectory that was used for OOD Evaluation in this work.

Pre-trained models

Pre-trained goal-conditioned model weights are available here.

  • There are three models trained with different planning_steps (t=2,5,10). Each weights file is named as t[x]_50k_last.pt where [x] refers to the planning_steps parameter. Each model is trained for 50k gradient descent steps.
  • With these model weights, you can skip the training and directly evaluate the pretrained models. Please move the weights file to /path/to/goal-conditioned-iris/src/outputs/checkpoints/epoch_250/last.pt and run src/2_Evaluate_World_Models.ipynb to evaluate.


Please check out this link for presentation.