
Snippets for blade template engine

Blade Snippets for Sublime Text

Blade is a simple, yet powerful templating engine provided with [Laravel] (http://laravel.com) PHP framework.

These snippets works with blade files (.blade.php) either with php syntax or with blade syntax using: PHP - Laravel Blade available from [Laravel Blade Highlighter] (https://github.com/Medalink/laravel-blade) package.

##Usage When you're on a blade file, type the snippet shortcut then press tab key.

##Installation Via Package Manager search for Blade Snippets then click/tap…wait a sec and tadam!

Blade Snippets

Or clone this repository into your Packages folder:

git clone https://github.com/dev4dev/blade-snippets.git

Or download the snippets zip file and unzip it into your Packages folder.

##Available snippets

Shortcut Result
can @can('policy', $model)
{{-- expr --}}
cane @can('policy', $model)
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- expr --}} @endcan
ext @extends('name')
lay @layout('name')
sec @section('name')
{{-- expr --}}
secy @section('name')
{{-- expr --}}
hass @hasSection('name')
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- expr --}}
yl @yield('section', 'default')
lsec @section('name')
{{-- expr --}}
par @parent
stack @stack('name')
push @push('name')
{{-- expr --}}
!! {!! $var !!}
}} {{ escaped output }}
inc @include('view.name', ['some' => 'data'])
if @if (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
ife @if (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- expr --}}
foreach @foreach($array as $element)
{{-- expr --}}
fore @forelse ($array as $element)
{{-- expr --}}
for @for ($i = 0; $i < ; $i++)
{{-- expr --}}
each @each ('item.view', $items, 'item', 'empty.view')
trans {{ trans('language.line') }}
route {{ route('name') }}
asset {{ asset('path') }}
url {{ url('path') }}
while @while (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
unless @unless (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
choise @choice('language.line', $number)
comment {{-- comment --}}
lang @lang('language.line', ['variable => 'replacement'])
inject @inject('name', 'App\Services\ServiceName')

##Envoy snippets

Snippets for Laravel Envoy.

Shortcut Result
serv @servers(['web' => 'user@'])
task @task('foo')
set @setup
{{-- expr --}}
mac @macro('deploy')
aft @after
hip @hipchat('token', 'room', 'Envoy', "$task ran in the $env environment.")
sla @slack('hook', 'channel', 'message')

##Blade Wordpress Plugin

Snippets for Blade Wordpress Plugin.

Shortcut Result
wpp @wpposts
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- empty expr --}}
wpq @wpquery (['post_type' => 'post'])
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- empty expr --}}
acf @acfrepeater ('fieldname')
{{-- expr --}}
{{ get_sub_field('fieldname') }}

Original snippets by: @dev4dev

Cool Readme formatting and latest updates belong to: