
Knife workflow plugin

Primary LanguageRuby


KnifeTable is a knife plugin to aid in cookbook development workflow. Its intention is to help automate versioning within environments and cookbook freezing based on a stable branch. Building off of the knife-spork plugin KnifeTable helps to provide consistency within the environment.


Currently, the supported workflow is as follows:

knife table set

knife table order


knife table serve

Setting the table

First, we set the table either by adding new or modifying existing features. To do this, we set the table with a basic description of what is being added:

knife table set new feature

This will create a new working branch named 'new_feature'. A default prefix can be added the branch name via the -p option. If it is known what cookbooks will be modified, you can provide them while setting:

knife table set -c iptables,mysql new feature


  • 'Automatically bump patch version on provided cookbooks'

    • '-c [COOKBOOK,COOKBOOK,...]'
    • '--cookbooks [COOKBOOK,COOKBOOK,...]'
  • 'Set prefix for branch name'

    • knife config: :table_set_branch_prefix
    • '-p PREFIX'
    • '--branch-prefix PREFIX'
  • 'Type of version bump (major, minor, patch)'

    • knife config: :table_set_bump_type
    • '-b TYPE'
    • '--bump-type TYPE'


Once the code has been updated, tested and is ready for review, the order can be placed which will create a new pull request:

knife table order

The order option will also optionally run foodcritic and require a passing result before proceeding with the pull request generation.


  • 'Username for upstream github account'

    • knife config: :table_order_upstream_user
    • '-u USER'
    • '--upstream-user USER'
  • 'Upstream branch name'

    • knife config: :table_order_upstream_branch
    • '-b BRANCH'
    • '--upstream-branch BRANCH'
  • 'Title for pull request'

    • knife config: :table_order_title
    • '-t TITLE'
    • '--title TITLE'
  • 'Pass foodcritic before generating pull request'

    • knife config: :table_order_foodcritic
    • '-f'
    • '--foodcritic'
  • 'Set what foodcritic should fail on'

    • knife config: :table_order_foodcritic_fail_on
    • '-x correctness,any,~FC014'
    • '--foodcritic-fail-on correctness,any,~FC014'


Service works on the assumption that any new code into the stable branch (master by default) will arrive via pull requests. By default, it will find the last pull request in the log and update based on changes within that merge. The default behavior of the serve command will upload and freeze any changed cookbooks. Optionally, environments can be provided to have the cookbook versions automatically pegged. Also, roles and data bags can be automatically uploaded as well.


  • 'Update versions in given environments'

    • knife config: :table_serve_environments
    • '-e ENV[,ENV...]'
    • '--environments ENV[,ENV...]'
  • 'Automatically commit and push any changes to master'

    • knife config: :table_serve_git_autopush
    • '-g'
    • '--git-autopush'
  • 'Automatically create tag for frozen cookbook'

    • knife config: :table_serve_git_tag
    • '-t'
    • '--git-tag'
  • 'Set working branch'

    • knife config: :table_serve_git_branch
    • '-b BRANCH'
    • '--git-branch BRANCH'
  • 'Remote repo name'

    • knife config: :table_serve_git_remote_name
    • '-r NAME'
    • '--git-remote-name NAME'
  • 'Automatically commit changes'

    • knife config: :table_serve_git_autocommit
    • '-c'
    • '--git-autocommit'
  • 'Answer yes to any prompts'

    • knife config: :table_serve_autoproceed
    • '-a'
    • '--autoproceed'
  • 'Upload any changed roles'

    • knife config: :table_serve_upload_roles
    • '-r'
    • '--roles'
  • 'Upload any changed data bags'

    • knife config: :table_serve_upload_data_bags
    • '-d'
    • '--data-bags'