
An attempt to apply reinforcement learning to graph signal recovery problem

Primary LanguagePython

Reinforcement Learning for Graph Signal Recovery

This project implements a reinforcement learning approach for graph sampling in graph signal recovery problems. Reinforcement learning policy is trained to walk a graph and sample nodes. Sparse label propagation is applied to the sampled nodes to recover the graph signal. Tools for the training and evaluation of rl algorithms for the sampling problem are provided.

Installation and Dependencies

The project requires Python 3.6

Python package dependencies:

  • OpenAI Gym
  • OpenAI Baselines
  • Numpy
  • TensorFlow 1.3
  • Networkx 2.0
  • Matplotlib
  • Pygame

All package dependencies can be installed by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Experiments

Reinforcement learning experiments are implemented in files contained in experiments/ directory. The experiment files are executable. Experiments support visualization. After training experiment for a while, results of the latest experiment can be visualized with:

python experiments/ppo_graph_sampling_env.py --step visualize

Experiments Contained in the project

The experiments are executed by running the experiment files. Experiments log results to subdirectories of results/ directory. JSON formatted training logs are provided for the reinforcement learning. See visualization.py for examples how to process the logs.


experiments/experiment1.py contains code to reproduce experiments from Random Walk Sampling for Big Data over Networks. See end of document for details.


experiments/graph_sampling_env.py trains deep Q-learning agent in the GraphSamplingEnv. Details about the environment design can be found in the next section.


experiments/ppo_graph_sampling_env.py trains PPO agent in the SimpleActionsGraphSamplingEnv. PPO refers to Proximal Policy Optimization. The PPO implementation is from OpenAI baselines. The graph, observations and rewards in SimpleActionsGraphSamplingEnv are similar to GraphSamplingEnv. Instead of crawling the graph as described in the following section, in SimpleActionsGraphSamplingEnv the actions pick nodes directly to the sampling set. That means there are as many actions as there are nodes in the graph.


experiments/simple_three_cluster_env.py train deep Q-learning agent in a small, fixed graph to check that the actions are compatible with Q-learning.

Graph Sampling RL Environment

Graph sampling is formulated as a reinforcement learning problem by defining an agent that is capable of moving along the graph edges and choosing nodes to sample, guided by observations and rewards from the environment. The actions of the agent are moving along the graph edges and sampling nodes. The reward is defined in terms of the error of the recovered graph signal and the observations summarize local characteristics of the graph surrounding the agent. The environment implements the OpenAI Gym environment API, which makes it easy to use various high performance algorithms with it. The graph sampling environment is defined in envs/graph_sampling_env.py.

The current implementation of the sampling environment is only an initial draft of the ideas and thus, although it's fully functional, it's not likely to work for training efficient sampling agents.

The Graph

At the start of each training run, the environment generates a random assortative planted partition model. The graph generator is implemented in generate_appm.py. The idea is to train the agent on random graphs forcing it to learn to generalize across different instances of the graphs.


The agent picks actions to move along the edges of the graph and sample nodes. The high performing reinforcement learning models are limited to fixed size inputs and outputs, but APPM and other types of graphs may have arbitrary numbers of nodes and edges. The degree of the nodes may vary as well. In order to fix the size of the the action space, we reduce the movement actions into binary choices following ideas presented in Section 5.2 of Information Theory of Decisions and Actions. Specifically, the environment keeps track of the node the agent is located in and the currently selected edge. The agent always faces a binary choice of either moving along the selected edge or advancing to the next edge.

In addition to the two movement actions, the agent can choose to sample the current node. After sampling the node, the node is added to the sampling set, reward is computed and the agent is transported to a new random node in the graph. If the sampling budget is reached, the training episode ends and no further rewards are available to the agent.


The observations summarize characteristics of the graph. Currently, the observations consist of the local clustering coefficients and degrees of the nodes close to the agent. To keep the observation size fixed, the statistics of the neighboring nodes are represented through min, max and mean. In addition, the clustering coefficient and the degree of the current node and the next node are presented as is.


Each time a node is sampled, the agent receives a reward. After sampling a new node, the signal recovery algorithm is run. The error of the recovered signal is used to compute the reward.


The current implementation of the environment is unfinished and unlikely to yield strong sampling performance.

  • Randomizing the agent location after each sample is obtained seems like it's beating the purpose of the learning algorithm to some extent. If we are able to provide the agent with a more global view to the graph, this limitation can hopefully be lifted.
  • The observations are subject to change in the future iterations of the environment.
  • The reward computation is work in progress and will be rethought and reimplemented soon.
  • There are multiple ways to split the actions down into a fixed set of actions. The other ways are currently low priority on the list of things to experiment with.

Running RL in the Graph Sampling Environment

Reinforcement learning algorithms implemented in the OpenAI Baselines can be used directly with the graph sampling enviroment. In experiment2.py code is provided for running the Deep Q-Learning agent in the Graph Sampling Environment. Experimental results will be made available following progress with the environment.

Random Walk Sampling

Random walk sampling as presented in Random Walk Sampling for Big Data over Networks is implemented in algorithms/sampling/random_walk_sampling.py. The results in the paper for signal recovery on generated appms with random walk sampling in can be reproduced by running experiment1.py, which consists of three steps: graph generation, sampling, and recovery. First, to generate the graphs:

python ./experiment1.py \
       --step=graph_generate \
       --cluster_sizes 10 20 30 40 \
       --p=0.3 \
       --q=0.04 \
       --num_graphs=10000 \

This will generate 10000 graphs consisting of 4 clusters with sizes 10, 20, 30, 40, respectively. The parameter p for assortative planted partition model (APPM), specifies the probability that two nodes i,j out of the same cluster are connected by an edge. Similarly, the parameter q for APPM, specifies the probability that two nodes i,j out of two different clusters are connected by an edge. The results are written in ./data/experiment1/graphs/M/.pk.

Once we have graph data, we can run the sampling steps. To reproduce the results in Random Walk Sampling for Big Data over Networks, we run the sampling script twice: once for fixed M and varying L, and once for fixed L and varying M:

python ./experiment1.py \
       --step=sampling \
       --sampling-method="RandomWalkSampling" \
       --Ms 10 \
       --Ls 10 20 40 80 160 \
       --graphs_file_pattern="./data/experiment1/graphs/*.pk" \

python ./experiment1.py \
       --step=sampling \
       --sampling-method="RandomWalkSampling" \
       --Ms 10 20 30 40 50 80 \
       --Ls 10 \
       --graphs_file_pattern="./data/experiment1/graphs/*.pk" \

Both of the sampling runs generates samples for all the 10000 graphs generated, with sampling budget M and random walk length L taken as a cartesian product of Ms and Ls. The results are stored in folders ./data/experiment1/samples/L and ./data/experiment1/samples/M for varying L and M, respectively.

Finally, we can run the graph recovery step using the samples and graphs generated in the last steps:

python ./experiment1.py \
       --step=recovery \
       --recovery_method="SparseLabelPropagation" \
       --graphs_path="./data/experiment1/graphs" \
       --samples_path="./data/experiment1/samples/M" \
       --results_base="./data/experiment1/recovery/M" \

python ./experiment1.py \
       --step=recovery \
       --recovery_method="SparseLabelPropagation" \
       --graphs_path="./data/experiment1/graphs" \
       --samples_path="./data/experiment1/samples/L" \
       --results_base="./data/experiment1/recovery/L" \

The results for these runs are presented below:

For fixed walk length L = 10 and variable sampling budget M:

Sampling Budget M 10 20 30 40 50 80
Mean NMSE 0.2855969 0.2064025 0.1032648 0.06730792 0.0480482 0.01553402
Std NMSE 0.2195126 0.1809782 0.1175888 0.08862639 0.06797459 0.02729504

For fixed sampling budget M = 10 and variable walk length L:

Walk Length L 10 20 40 80 160
Mean NMSE 0.2855898 0.285075 0.2867064 0.2853296 0.2859527
Std NMSE 0.2190127 0.2186967 0.2193373 0.2193436 0.2201135