
Some conky configrc snippets to display battery status, current and next days weather conditions, some audio (MOCp) information and other.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

There are some conky snippets in the subfolders.
If you do not have a runnign widget yet you might want to include my settings "HEAD".
There is a Snipped for the current battery status. It might not work for all laptops. If it does not for yours you might replace the "$battery_percent" variable to something returning the same value for your divice.
There is a snipped to display volume information. If moc(p) is running it expands to show you additional information on your tracks/streams. As the included moc commands did not work as desired I wrote a small python script for that. Just place it somewhere and change the path "/home/user/mocp_info.py" in the config file accordingly.
There is a snipped to display the current weather and the following 3 days. You need to import the conkyweather.ttf font to display weather icons. Als the path "~/conky/weather_convert.sh" needs to be be linked to the path of weather_convert.sh on your system. It ensures that the weather information is converted in the right letters/icons
I also included "leftovers" This is the part of my config that will most likely not work very well on other systems. But with a little effort it can be adapted for other systems too.