GoFA is a pure Golang implementation derived from the International Astronomical
Union's (IAU) "Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA)
http://iausofa.org" library
official C release. .
Reference documents are in: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/hebl/gofa
GoFA Current version is 1.19. It is based on SOFA version 19
Examples in manuals are in the subdirectory: examples
All function are tested. The test functions are derived from t_sofa_c.c
go get -u github.com/hebl/gofa
go install github.com/hebl/gofa@latest
Vector/Matrix Library vml.go
- Initialization (4)
- Copy/Extend/Extract (5)
- Build rotations (3)
- Operations on vectors (17)
- Operations on matrices (2)
- Matrix-vector products (4)
- Rotation vectors (2)
Angle angle.go
- Spherical/Cartesian conversions (6)
- Separation and position-angle (4)
- Operations on angles (8)
Astrometry (38) astrometry.go
Calendars (7) jd.go
Time Scales (20) ts.go
Coordinates coord.go
- Ecliptic Coordinates (6)
- Galactic Coordinates (2)
- Horizon/Equatorial Coordinates (3)
- Geocentric/Geodetic Transformations (5)
Earth Rotation and Sidereal Time (15) erast.go
Ephemerides (3) ephem.go
Fundamental Arguments (14) fundargs.go
Gnomonic Projections (6) projection.go
Precession/Nutation/Polar Motion (64) pn.go
Star Catalog Conversions (9) catalog.go
Version 1.19 offers 192 routines for astronomy library (including time scales, earth rotation, sidereal time, precession, nutation, polar motion, ephemerides, astrometry and transforms between various reference systems.), 55 routines for vector/matrix library.