
Focus on promoting the evolution of tools in different aspects of security research.专注于推动安全研究各个领域工具化.

404 StarLink Project - 404星链计划

The 404 Starlink Project was started by Knownsec 404Team in 2020. We aim to denfend network and promote the Instrumentalizing of security research in different fields through open source or open methods. Just like Starlink, this project will link researchers with different security background.

Not only large tools which break security barriers,various small tools that optimizing the daily experience are included. We will open all tools developed by 404 Team, and continue to collect pain points in the process of security research and penetration testing. The security field used to have various problems, like tools jumbled, different levels obvious, and open source be unmaintained. Through the 404 Starlink Project, we wish security field would become a better place where people like to communicate and progress together.





星链计划2.0 Galaxy


Stargazers over time


​ 404StarLink2.0-Galaxy record linglongViperCodeReviewTools


  • Reconnaissance 信息收集

  • Vulnerability Assessment 漏洞探测

    • Pocsuite3
      • pocsuite3 is an open-sourced remote vulnerability testing framework developed by the Knownsec 404 Team.
    • LSpider
      • LSpider is a front-end crawler for passive scanners~
  • Penetration Test 攻击与利用

  • Information analysis 信息分析

  • Back-penetration, intranet tools 后渗透、内网工具

    • Portforward
      • PortForward is a port forwarding tool developed using Golang.
  • Others 其他相关

    • LBot
      • A simple xss bot template
    • wam
      • WAM is a platform powered by Python to monitor "Web App"
  • Minitools

    • bin_extractor
      • A simple script for quickly mining sensitive information in binary files.
    • CookieTest
      • A script used to quickly test APIs or required parameters and cookies for a certain request.
    • ipstatistics
      • ipstatistics is a script based on the ipip library that is used to quickly filter the ip list.
    • cidrgen
      • cidrgen is based on cidr's subnet IP list generator


The 404 Starlink Project is a long-term project. We collect ideas from security research and penetration testing for a long time. If your idea is meaningful, the 404 Starlink Project will follow up with the tools and look forward to making security field become instrumentalizing.

“星链计划”将会是一个长期而持久的计划,本项目下长期收取有关安全研究、渗透测试过程中的痛点,欢迎社会各界的安全研究人员提供idea,如果idea有意义,那么Knownsec 404Team将会持续跟进相应的工具,期待通过“星链计划”让安全真正工具化。


如果有问题可以在各项目下提交issue,如果有不错的issue或者已有的工具推荐,可以提交星链计划的issue, 也可以添加下方的讨论组中参与讨论。

1、Github issue: https://github.com/knownsec/404StarLink-Project/issues


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