
Swwwwich your switcher.

Primary LanguageSwift


Build Status Swift Version

Just a switch tutorial.


That switch your system theme needs your authorization. Just click OK.

System Event-c300

Under the hood

  1. Switch your system theme using AppleScript
  2. Hide / Show your desktop icons using NSTask(aka Process)
  3. MenuBar only when your Cocoa Application is agent.
  4. Start at login using serviceManagement (embed a helper login app to wake main application up.)

System Appearance Switch

tell application "System Events"
	tell appearance preferences
		set dark mode to not dark mode
	end tell
end tell

You can just using ScriptEditor to run this AppleScript to switch the dark theme and light one.


Hide / Show Desktop Icons

defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop false
killall Finder

Input the two lines in your terminal, icons just hidden.

If you want recover your icons, just change false to true.

hide Desktop Icons

show Desktop Icons


# enable caffeinate forever.
# never return.

# disable caffeinate
killall caffeinate 


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