
📚🚀 A showcase of books that inspire Elon Musk.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Elon Reads

Elon Reads is a showcase of books that inspire Elon Musk, built using modern web technologies.

Tech Stack

The frontend of the website is built using Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS, while the backend is powered by a MySQL database from PlanetScale. This combination of technologies provides a fast, scalable, and responsive user experience for visitors to the website. The deployment happens on Vercel.


To be honest, this is my very first (and quite small) open-source project, so I don't know how this works on GitHub. But if you want to suggest or make any changes, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.

About Me

My name is Jan, and I am a developer and entrepreneur passionate about creating innovative solutions that make a positive impact in the world. With Elon Reads, I hope to inspire others to read and learn from the books that have influenced one of the most visionary leaders of our time.
