
Quickly set up an environment for developing the Swift language

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a fork of the IBM-Swift vagrant image for developing swift. This fork was modified to load a snapshot from swift.org to more conveniently try server side development with swift. You can find more on getting started with Swift at swift.org/getting-started

This repository provides a Vagrantfile which will automatically provision and configure swift with Ubuntu 16.10 as a development environment. It also includes the tooling to create a Docker based development snapshot

The Vagrantfile will:

  1. Install an Ubuntu 16.10 virtual machine
  2. Install development prerequisites
  3. Install a swift compiler and related tool chain


  1. git
  2. Vagrant
  3. Virtualbox

The script update_swift_snapshot.py will download the latest development snapshot and build an Ubuntu 16.10 based docker image with it installed.


  1. git
  2. Docker

Vagrant Usage Guide

$ git clone https://github.com/heckj/vagrant-ubuntu-swift-dev.git
$ cd vagrant-ubuntu-swift-dev
$ vagrant up

Once your VM has been provisioned, connect to it using the vagrant ssh command.

vagrant ssh:

vagrant@vagrant:~$ swift --version
Swift version 4.0-dev (LLVM 13d90f33cc, Clang 9d4bf0beef, Swift b2efaab218)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

vagrant@vagrant:~$ swift
***  You are running Swift's integrated REPL,  ***
***  intended for compiler and stdlib          ***
***  development and testing purposes only.    ***
***  The full REPL is built as part of LLDB.   ***
***  Type ':help' for assistance.              ***

Docker Usage Guide

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

The docker image is built as swiftpm-docker-1610:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
swiftpm-docker-1610   latest              dce3b5086cbd        15 minutes ago      1.41GB
ubuntu                16.10               7d3f705d307c        3 weeks ago         107MB

For more notes on using the docker image locally, see docker development notes