Basic Chip Arithmetization using PIL

This repository leverages the Polygon zkEVM tool stack to implement a chip that performs modular operations.

Repository Overview

Overview of the main files and directories in this repository:

  • components/: Contains the arithmetization and the executor for the different components of the chip.
    • global/: Houses the constant trace used across multiple components.
    • main: Defines the overall behavior of the chip.
    • module: Implements the modular operations.
  • src/: Includes configuration files and logic for generating the full execution trace.
    • inputs.json: JSON file containing the public inputs of the chip.
    • *starkstruct.json: JSON file describing the parameters to generate the proof.
    • main_buildcommit.js: Generates the commitment part of the trace.
    • main_buildconst.js: Generates the constant part of the trace.



Ensure you have a recent LTS version of Node.js installed.

To check the installed version of Node.js, run:

node -v

If you need to install or update Node.js, follow the instructions here.

Install Dependencies

Before running the tests, you’ll need to install the required dependencies. Navigate to the project directory and run:

npm install

Running Tests

To execute the full test suite, use the following command:

npm run test:main

This command will compile the PIL files, generate the trace, verify that constraints are satisfied by the generated trace, compute the full proof, and verify it.

You can find partial tests in the package.json file.