Portus on Kubernetes
This repository configure Portus on Kubernetes.
Inside portus.yml
there is a pod with two containers, one of them is responsible for the web dashboard, another one, with the same image, is responsible for repositories updates through a background task.
Portus uses a separated registry, like registry v2, and acts like an frontend/authenticator for this registry. All interactions from command line, like docker login
or docker push
should be done directly with the registry.
When the registry is registered in Portus, remember to add an External Registry Name
like registry.192-168-99-104.nip.io
This repository was tested with minikube using nip.io as hostname.
First, make shure to obtain minikube ip to update all necessary files:
IP=$(minikube ip | tr -s . -) # 192-168-99-104
echo portus/portus.yml registry/registry.yml registry/config.yml | xargs -n1 sed -i "s/@IP@/$IP/g"
Second, create the TLS certificates. This is importante because Kubernetes ingress enforce a match between the hostname and the CN in the certificate:
cd certs
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout portus.key -out portus.cert -subj "/CN=portus.$IP.nip.io"
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout registry.key -out registry.cert -subj "/CN=registry.$IP.nip.io"
Third, create the namespace and necessary objects:
kubectl create -f namespace.yml
kubectl create secret tls portus-cert --key certs/portus.key --cert certs/portus.cert -n registry
kubectl create secret tls registry-cert --key certs/registry.key --cert certs/registry.cert -n registry
kubectl create cm registry-conf --from-file registry/config.yml -n registry
kubectl create secret generic mysql-env --from-env-file mysql/mysql.env -n registry
Fourth, create the portus and registry deployments and the database statefulset:
echo mysql/mysql.yml portus/portus.yml registry/registry.yml | xargs -n1 kubectl create -f
Remember to add this "insecure registry" inside /etc/docker/daemon.json
"insecure-registries": ["registry.192-168-99-104.nip.io"]