
Detailed Ember.js 2.8 tutorial for absolute beginners. www.yoember.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ember.js 2.8 Tutorial - Demo Application

Updated: 10 Sept 2016

This is the original repository of the Library App.

For detailed, step by step implementation click here: Ember tutorial

Live demo: library-app.firebaseapp.com

How can you run this application locally?

I assume, you have Node.js on your computer. Node.js installation

  • Please create an app on Firebase first. You can register there with one click and create a new app. You have to setup this app name in config/environment.js. (This will be your own cloud based database.)

  • Clone this repository in your project folder

$ git clone git@github.com:zoltan-nz/library-app.git
  • Change to the application directory
$ cd library-app
  • Install node and bower packages
$ npm install && bower install
$ ember server
  • Open the application in your browser
$ open http://localhost:4200

WIP notes...

Managing Books

Simple list and edit the title

Template (books.hbs):


<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
    <th class="vtop">Author</th>
      <br><small class="small not-bold">(Click on the title for editing)</small>
    <th class="vtop">Release Year</th>
    <th class="vtop">Library</th>
  {{#each model as |book|}}


        {{#if book.isEditing}}
          <form {{action 'saveBook' book on='submit'}} class="form-inline">
            <div class="input-group">
              {{input value=book.title class='form-control'}}
              <div class="input-group-btn">
                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" disabled={{book.isNotValid}}>Save</button>
                <button class="btn btn-danger" {{action 'cancelBookEdit' book}}>Cancel</button>
          <span {{action 'editBook' book}}>{{book.title}}</span>


Route (books.js):

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({

  model() {
    return this.store.findAll('book');

  actions: {

    editBook(book) {
      book.set('isEditing', true);

    cancelBookEdit(book) {
      book.set('isEditing', false);

    saveBook(book) {
      if (book.get('isNotValid')) {

      book.set('isEditing', false);

Change Author with Select box

We need all Authors, download them in model hook with Ember.RSVP.hash.

In setup controller we separate these models.

model() {
  return Ember.RSVP.hash({
    books: this.store.findAll('book'),
    authors: this.store.findAll('author')

setupController(controller, model) {
  const books = model.books;
  const authors = model.authors;

  this._super(controller, books);

  controller.set('authors', authors);

Create editAuthor and cancelAuthorEdit action:

editAuthor(book) {
  book.set('isAuthorEditing', true);

cancelAuthorEdit(book) {
  book.set('isAuthorEditing', false);


    {{#if book.isAuthorEditing}}
      Editing: {{book.author.name}}
      <button class="btn btn-danger" {{action 'cancelAuthorEdit' book}}>Cancel</button>
      <span {{action 'editAuthor' book}}>{{book.author.name}}</span>

We cannot use a simple input box in this case. Need a select box.

For our select box, we need a helper.

$ ember g helper is-equal
  • Implement selects
  • Add actions for saving relations
  • Firebase adapter buggy, we have to manually remove previous relations