
Module Factory is a module creator tool for developers to easily build bases of a Magento's module.

Primary LanguagePHP

Important note : this project isn't finished, and is in stand-by. I may start working on it again later. For now results are variable, and it seems there is still some bugs. If someone want to use this code, go ahead.

moduleFactory tool to easily create bases of a Magento's module (Magento CE >= 1.5).

Online tool is available here : http://modulefactory.hectorj.net/ [not available anymore]

moduleFactory uses jQuery (http://jquery.com/), jQueryUI (http://jqueryui.com/) and jsTree (http://www.jstree.com/).

It has been tested thanks to [https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/ PHPUnit], and [https://github.com/IvanChepurnyi/EcomDev_PHPUnit Ivan Chepurnyi's extension].

License : OSL 3.0 http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php

note :

  • This project is not edited by Magento editor (Varien). I have no links with them, I'm just a Magento user.
  • This tool is provided as it is, with no warranty at all. It is strongly recommended to backup your files and databases before you use this tool, or install a module created with it.

Thank you for your interest in this project,



2013-01-06 : project moved from google code to github (old address : http://code.google.com/p/hj-modulefactory/ )