
The source files for the http://wiki.openspaceproject.com wiki page for the OpenSpace project

Primary LanguageRuby


The source files for the http://wiki.openspaceproject.com wiki page for the OpenSpace project.

This project uses Jekyll and the theme Just the Docs to build and style the wiki.

Structure / Development

  • The wiki is devided by category based on who is using it. docs/developers, docs/builders, and docs/users.
  • Pages specific to certain modules/data are in docs/components/ these should be considered for rework.
  • Custom CSS rules can be put in _sass/custom/custom.scss but should be used sparingly as they may affect other pages.

Building locally:

  • Install Ruby (on windows, I downloaded RubyInstaller for Windows last tested with version 2.7.2)

  • Install Jekyll (as per the Jekyll site I installed the gems I needed gem install jekyll bundler)

  • Clone Repository

  • Install the ruby packages with $ bundle install

  • Run the server locally with $ bundle exec jekyll serve

  • Access the site at