
Run Salt-Master, Salt-Minion, and Halite inside Docker

Primary LanguagePython

Run Salt-Master, Salt-Minion, and Halite inside Docker Also runs Kibana/Logstash and Graphite insider their own containers.

####Halite/Salt UI







  1. edit file salt/master by changing master_ip to reflect the ip address of your master
  2. run ./build
  3. run ./run

###Boostrapping ssh into the master ssh root@<master> -p 49022, password is root

Create/Edit /etc/salt/roster file

    host: <host name or ip>
    user: <user with sudo>
    passwd: <pwd>
    sudo: True

Also, make sure /etc/sudoers file is configured for NOPASSWD %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL