
Hedera DApp Starter Template using Create React App, Material UI and Typescript with Hedera native wallet support and MetaMask wallet support.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hedera DApp CRA Template

Hedera DApp Starter Template using Create React App, Material UI and Typescript with HashPack, Blade, Kabila, and MetaMask wallet support.


  • Multi-wallet integration out of the box (HashPack, Blade, Kabila, & MetaMask)
  • Mirror Node Client
  • State management via React Context
  • Material UI


Execute the following command, replacing <my-app-name> with the directory name you wish to create for the new project.

npx create-react-app <my-app-name> --template git+ssh://git@github.com/hedera-dev/cra-hedera-dapp-template.git
  1. Execute npm i
  2. Execute npm run start to start the project


Curious to see this template in action? Check out the Create a Hedera DApp Integrated with WalletConnect tutorial.


  • Create a fork of this repo on github
  • Clone that forked copy using github
  • Make your changes on a new branch
  • Submit a PR against the main branch of this copy of the git repo

For testing during local development, execute the following command.

npx create-react-app <my-app-name> --template file:../path/to/your/template/cra-hedera-dapp-template


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