Cobalt is a compiled programming language written in Python. It has fairly simple syntax and is similar to Basic/Visual Basic but with some C/Java elements. Cobalt transpiles to Python code.
Here's some example code:
# All code must be contained in a Module.
Module {
# Single-line comments use the hash mark.
~ Multi-line comments use
the tilde symbol. ~
PrintLn("Hello, world!");
Var myVar = 10; # No type hinting
# While loops
While myVar > 0 {
PrintLn(myVar); # Indentation isn't needed anywhere, but it looks nicer.
Var myVar = myVar - 1;
If myVar == 4 {
Print(myVar); # 'Print' doesn't output a newline, 'PrintLn' does
PrintLn(" is equal to four!");