
Документация на русском языке

TestProf по-русски

Здесь когда-нибудь будет русскоязычная документация для TestProf.

Посмотреть её можно будет на основном сайте.

Инструкция по локализации.


We try to keep our documentation both correct and stylish using the following tools:

To run these tools locally we use Lefthook (runs linters automatically for every commit).

To sum up:

  • Install mdl:
gem install mdl
  • Install liche:
go get -u github.com/raviqqe/liche
  • Install Hunspell and Forspell:
# for MacOS (for other OS see Forspell documentation)
brew install hunspell

gem install forspell
npm install -g yaspeller
  • Install StandardRB and rubocop-md:
gem install standard
gem install rubocop-md
  • Install lefthook:
# for MacOS (for other OS see Lefthook documentation)
brew install lefthook
  • Initialize lefthook:
lefthook install

Or you can skip all of these and rely on our CI, which can do all the checks for you!