
Sublime Text 3 package for quick navigation across tables in schema.rb

MIT LicenseMIT

schema.rb navigation for Sublime Text

This package introduces quick navigation across tables defined in schema.rb (Rails-specific file).


Just use Goto Symbol when you have schema.rb opened: R on Mac, CtrlR on Windows.


The easiest way to install is using Package Control, search for schema-rb:

  1. Open Command Palette (P on Mac, CtrlShift ⇧P on Windows)
  2. Choose Package Control: Install Package
  3. Select schema-rb

Integration with ApplySyntax

By default, ApplySyntax disrupts functionality of this package by overriding schema-rb syntax with Ruby on Rails syntax. To fix that, you could configure ApplySyntax accordingly:

  • Open up its settings (Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> ApplySyntax -> Settings)
  • Add following snippet under syntaxes key:
    "syntax": "schema-rb/schema-rb.sublime-syntax",
    "rules": [
        {"file_path": ".*/schema.rb$"}