
A Compiler made using Maven that offers to the user the possibility to provide the language of the compiler .works only on SLR grammars and generates the SLR table according to the grammar given , An SLR parser generator and type checking.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Hello , This project is a compiler based on three analysers :

  • lexical analyser   This analyser provides for the user the possiblilty of using many types and symbols
  • Syntax analyser   This analyser provides for the user the possiblilty of generating First,Follows and Slr table based on the grammar given
  • Semantic analyser   This analyser provides for the user the possiblilty of testing if the grammar is correct semantically by verifying the Types .

    How to Run

    To run this app you need to install Java Jdk 17 or above : You can check the version by typing this command java --version
    First , change directory to compiler folder :

       cd compiler

    Then run this command

      mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mycompany.compiler.main.Compiler"

    Lexical Analyser

    Symbols table

    Symbol Types
    if NONE
    else NONE
    true BOOL
    false BOOL
    function NONE
    while NONE
    for NONE
    string NONE
    bool NONE
    int NONE
    char NONE


    Delimiter → space|tab|lineBreak
    Num → (chiffre)+
    id → lettre(chiffre + lettre)+
    opari → +| − | ∗ | /
    oprel →== | < | <= | <> | > | >=
    opnot →!
    opneg→ –
    str → ”lettre*
    opbol→ || | &&
    while→ while
    if→ if
    else→ else
    char→ char
    string→ string
    bool→ bool
    function→ f unction
    true→ true
    false→ false
    = →=
    : →:
    ; →;
    ) →)
    (→ (
    } →}
    { → {

    Syntax Analyser

    This package can generate for the user
  • First
  • Follows
  • SLR table
  • and can verfiy if the grammar is SLR or not

    To add a grammar to your Compiler you can modify file grammar.json located in src/ressources


    "Grammar":  [<br>
    "Pro → D I",<br>
    "D → DL ; D | ɛ",<br>
    "DL → T : id | F : id",
    "T → char | int | bool | string",
    "F → function ( P ) : T | function ( ) : T",
    "I → IL ; I | ɛ",
    "IL → if ( E ) { I } IFS | while ( E ) { I } | id = E | id = function ( Par ) { I } | id = function ( ) { I }",
    "IFS → else { I } | ɛ",
    "E → id ( P' ) | id ( ) | EL opari E | EL opbol E | EL oprel E | opneg E | opnot E | ( E ) | EL",
    "EL → nb | id | str | litteral | true | false",
    "P → T | T , P",
    "P' → E | E , P'",
    "Par → id : T | id : T , Par"

    The grammar must respect these rules :

    1. You need To put a Space betwwen each element of the production
    2. You use this arrow for the rule definition
    3. this symbol for the epsilon ɛ
    4. Uppercase for the Non-Terminal


    E' → E
    E → E + T
    E → T
    T → T * F
    T → F
    F → ( E )
    F → id

    To add a code for testing the Syntax analyser ! your file must be also located under src/ressources

    Semantic analyser

    The goal of this analyser is to check the type in the code to compile ! It checks if the variables were declared , if statements are correct and if expressions have correct types .