
transparent redirector of any TCP connection to proxy (Customized for Anti-GFW)

Primary LanguageC


This is a modified version of original redsocks. The name is changed to REDSOCKS2 to distinguish with original redsocks. This variant is useful for anti-GFW (Great Fire Wall).

HOW it works

Anyone can help me to complete this part? -_-


On general linux, simply run command below to build.


Since this variant of redsocks is customized for running with Openwrt, please read documents here (http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/crosscompile) for how to cross compile.

##Note: To use the autoproxy feature, please change the redsocks section in configuration file like this:

redsocks {
 local_ip =;
 local_port = 1081;
 ip =;
 port = 9050;
 type = socks5; // I use socks5 proxy for GFW'ed IP
 autoproxy = 1; // I want autoproxy feature enabled on this section.
                // The two lines above have same effect as
                //    type = autosocks5;
                // in previous release.
 // timeout is meaningful when 'autoproxy' is non-zero.
 // It specified timeout value when trying to connect to destination
 // directly. Default is 10 seconds. When it is set to 0, default
 // timeout value will be used.
 // NOTE: decreasing the timeout value may lead increase of chance for
 // normal IP to be misjudged.
 timeout = 13;
 //type = http-connect;
 //login = username;
 //password = passwd;

##Redirect Blocked Traffic via VPN Automatically Suppose you have VPN connection setup with interface tun0. You want all all blocked traffic pass through via VPN connection while normal traffic pass through via default internet connection.

redsocks {
	local_ip =;
	local_port = 1080;
	interface = tun0; // Outgoing interface for blocked traffic
	type = direct;
	timeout = 13;
	autoproxy = 1;

##Work with GoAgent To make redsocks2 works with GoAgent proxy, you need to set proxy type as 'http-relay' for HTTP protocol and 'http-connect' for HTTPS protocol
respectively. Suppose your goagent local proxy is running at the same server as redsocks2, The configuration for forwarding connections to GoAgent is like below:

redsocks {
 local_ip =;
 local_port = 1081; //HTTP should be redirect to this port.
 ip =;
 port = 8080;
 type = http-relay; // Must be 'htt-relay' for HTTP traffic. 
 autoproxy = 1; // I want autoproxy feature enabled on this section.
 // timeout is meaningful when 'autoproxy' is non-zero.
 // It specified timeout value when trying to connect to destination
 // directly. Default is 10 seconds. When it is set to 0, default
 // timeout value will be used.
 timeout = 13;
redsocks {
 local_ip =;
 local_port = 1082; // HTTPS should be redirect to this port.
 ip =;
 port = 8080;
 type = http-connect; // Must be 'htt-connect' for HTTPS traffic. 
 autoproxy = 1; // I want autoproxy feature enabled on this section.
 // timeout is meaningful when 'autoproxy' is non-zero.
 // It specified timeout value when trying to connect to destination
 // directly. Default is 10 seconds. When it is set to 0, default
 // timeout value will be used.
 timeout = 13;


Zhuofei Wang semigodking@gmail.com