##Makers BnB Rails and Angular


The challenge for this week was to build a replica AirBnB app using a Ruby on Rails backend and AngularJS frontend.

##Team Members

-Eduardo M. Sanchez Delgado https://github.com/hedudelgado -Russel; Vaugham https://github.com/russellvaughan -Matt Gough https://github.com/MattGough -Mark Hill https://github.com/markcmhill

##Technology Used


  • Protractor
  • Karma

Ruby on Rails

  • Rspec

###Installation Instructions

git clone https://github.com/russellvaughan/makers-bnb-ra.git
cd makersBnB
bundle install
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
npm install bower -g
rake bower:install
rake routes 
rails s

Launch the Angular server

Go to http://localhost:3000 (or any other path the Api uses) in your browser, make sure the server is running.

Testing Instructions

RSpec (unit and feature tests)

rails g rspec:install

JavaScript/Angular - Testing

Make sure the rails server is running for testing angular as they interact within the end to end tests(e2e)

Make sure you are in Frontend directory. for JavaScript/Angular - e2e tests run:

npm install
rails s (separate command line)
npm run Protractor

To test drive the app, make sure you have the Rails and Angular severs running in different command line windows, then in your brower visit: For Rails http://localhost:3000 For Angularjs http://localhost:8000