Follow us!
-Eduardo M Sanchez Delgado -Rebecca Piper -Wim Hekkelman -Fareed Patel
As a user
So that I can share my recipe
I want to be able to add a new recipe
As a user
So I can break down my recipe,
I would like to add the ingredients list
As a user
So I can add know how long takes to cook the recipe,
I would like to add a preparation time.
As a user
So that I can know the nutritional information
I would like to give information regarding its nutritional content.
As a user
So others can choose based on dietary categories
I want to be able to add a dietary category to my recipe
As a user
So people can cook my recipe,
I want to add instructions to my recipe
As a user
So that I can change my recipe
I want to be able to update my recipe
As a user
So that others can see what the food looks like
I want to be able to upload a picture
As a user
So that others can see how to exactly cook the recipe
I want to be able to upload a youtube link
As a user
So that others can see my recipes
I want to be able to see a list of recipes
As a user
So that recipes can be removed
I want to be able to delete my recipes
As recipe owner
To prevent others to change my recipe
You need to be signed
As a user
So that I can see what I’m looking for
I can search by ingredients (or leftovers)
As a user
So that I can post my own recipes
I need to sign up
As a signed in user
So that people understand the popularity of the recipe
I am able to vote up or down
As a signed in user
So that people understand the issues with the recipe
I am able to leave a comment about the recipe
As a user,
I would like to see the most popular recipes,
I would like to sort them by number of votes
As a user,
I would like to see some specific recipes,
I would like to search by its name.
As a user,
I would like to see recipes by its preparation time,
I would like to search by preparation time.
As a user,
I would like to see recipes by dietary restrictions
I would like to filter by choices - vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, (pork free).
As a user,
So that others can see my recipe on social networking sites
I am able to share my recipe to facebook, twitter, tumblr,
As a user,
So I know I am signed up,
I would like to receive a mail notification when I sign up.
As a user,
So I can be aware of the comments on my recipe,
I would like to receive an email when other users leave comments on my recipe.
As a user,
So I can know how many people have given feedback to my recipe,
I would like to know how many votes and comments my recipe has received.
As a user,
So that I don’t have to go shopping,
I would like to filter my search for recipes that don’t require more ingredients.
Ruby on Rails Back End AngularJS Front End
Protractor Karma Rspec
git clone
$cd RecipesAPI
$bundle install
$rake db:create
$rake db:migrate
$npm install bower -g
$rake bower:install
$rake routes
Back End (within backend directory) ->rails s
Go to http://localhost:3000 (or any other path the Api uses) in your browser, to make sure the server is running.
Front end (within front end directory)-> npm start
Go to http://localhost:8000 (or any other path the Angular uses) in your browser, to make sure the server is running.
RSpec (unit and feature tests, within back end directory)
$rails g rspec:install
Make sure the rails server is running for testing angular as they interact within the end to end tests(e2e).
$rails s
Make sure you are in Frontend directory for Angular - e2e tests, in a separate command line run:
$npm install
$npm run Protractor
To test drive the app, make sure you have the Rails and Angular severs running in different command line taps, then in your brower visit: For Rails http://localhost:3000 For Angularjs http://localhost:8000