
Spring Boot Protocol Buffers Demo

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot Protocol Buffers (gRPC)

This project demonstrates usage of protocol buffers within Spring Boot allowing us to build high-performance, cross-language communication between services (microservices).

Tech Stack

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3.1.2
  • gRPC
  • H2 Database
  • Maven

Why gRPC?

gRPC is a modern, open-source framework developed by Google that enables efficient and high-performance communication between microservices.

It uses the HTTP/2 protocol, which offers features like multiplexing and header compression, making it ideal for scenarios where low-latency and efficient data transfer are crucial.

gRPC supports multiple programming languages and provides a structured way to define services and messages using Protocol Buffers.


  • Performance: gRPC uses HTTP/2, which can lead to faster data transfer compared to REST's HTTP/1.1. This is especially important for microservices communication with reduced latency.

  • Data Format: gRPC uses Protocol Buffers, a binary serialization format, which is more compact and efficient compared to JSON used in REST.

  • Strongly Typed: Protocol Buffers allow you to define a strict contract for the message structure, ensuring type safety and minimizing errors.

  • Streaming: gRPC supports bidirectional streaming, allowing both the client and server to send a stream of messages. REST is typically request-response based.

  • Language Agnostic: gRPC supports multiple programming languages, making it suitable for polyglot microservices architectures.

  • Code Generation: gRPC generates client and server code from service definitions, making it easy to integrate and use.

Running the project

  1. Navigate to root project directory
  2. Execute command: mvn clean compile (this will generate Java classes from proto files)
  3. Run the project (app will be listening on port 9090)

Important files

  • Proto definitions: src/main/proto
  • gRPC service example: src/main/java/com/hedza06/grpc/services/UserService.java


If someone is interested in contribution or have some suggestions please contact me on email hedzaprog@gmail.com.


Heril Muratović
Software Engineer

Mobile: +38269657962
E-mail: hedzaprog@gmail.com
Skype: hedza06
Twitter: hedzakirk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heril-muratovi%C4%87-021097132/
StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/4078505/heril-muratovic