
Reactive Spring Boot REST API Services With MongoDB

Primary LanguageJava

Reactive Spring Boot With MongoDB

This demo project illustrates usage of reactive features in Spring Boot With MongoDB database.

Coming next...

In next coming week I will work with R2DBC (https://r2dbc.io) and MySQL Database and also more to come from RSocket.


If someone is interested for contribution or have some suggestions please contact me on e-mail hedzaprog@gmail.com. There are more to come from hexagonal architecture and first I'm planing to write tests for given examples in project.


Heril Muratović
Software Engineer

Mobile: +38269657962
E-mail: hedzaprog@gmail.com
Skype: hedza06
Twitter: hedzakirk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heril-muratovi%C4%87-021097132/
StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/4078505/heril-muratovic