
Prototyping catch clause with Step Functions

Primary LanguageMakefile


This directory is for deploying a Step Functions workflow and a Lambda function.


Copy etc/environment.template to etc/environment.sh and update accordingly.

  • PROFILE: your AWS CLI profile with the appropriate credentials to deploy
  • REGION: your AWS region
  • BUCKET: your configuration bucket

For the Lambda and Step Functions stack, update the following accordingly.

  • P_FN_MEMORY: amount of memory in MB for the Lambda function
  • P_FN_TIMEOUT: timeout in seconds for the Lambda function


Deploy the Step Functions and Lambda resources: make sf

After completing the deployment, update the following outputs:

  • O_FN: output Lambda function name (select the one you want to test)
  • O_SFN: output Step Functions workflow ARN


Test one of the functions locally (defaults to Fn1, update accordingly): make lambda.local

Test one of the deployed functions (function name you saved as O_FN): make lambda.invoke.sync

Test the workflow (workflow ARN you saved as O_SFN_ARN): make sf.invoke