
Tests multi threading with feature engineering with large size data (2 billion rows)

Primary LanguageC++

Feature Engineering with Outbrain Ad Display Data

By: Hee

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This code tests multi threading in feature engineering with large size data (80GB, 2 billion rows). It solved race condition problem in multi threading by completely separating object that each thread updates.

  • Create sparse matrix for user-topic and document-topic
    • Create document-topic matrix from document-topic data
    • (Multi threading) Create user-topic matrix by joining user-document data and document-topic matrix (Implemented user-topic matrix as a set of matrices)
  • Loop over user-topic and find matching document-topic to calculate interaction score between user and document


$ g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp io.h -o main -lboost_iostreams -lpthread
$ ./main