Consumed a REST Service in C# to build a Windows Desktop Application using Windows Forms. I built the desktop app experience as an alternative to the conventional website experience for the department website.
The API Reference -
The following sections of the API have been consumed:
1. About - Description, Quote, QuoteAuthor
2. Degrees - all child nodes and their fields - Undergraduate , Graduate, Concentrations
3. Minors - Title, Description, Courses for each minor
4. Employment - Degree Statitics, Employers, Careers, Cooptable, Employment table, MAP
5. People - Faculty, Staff - includes all information except their facebook and twitter pages
6. Research - By InterestArea, By faculty
7. Resources - Study Abroad, Student Services, Tutors and Lab information, Student Ambassadors, Forms, Coop Enrollment
8. News - By Quarter, By Year, Older
9. Footer - Social, Quick Links, Copyright, News
10. Contact Form
Where all of this data lies/shows up:
1. About Tab
All the data from the About section of the API
The news button opens up a popup with all the news
All the data from the Footer section of the API is accessible on clicking buttons under the News button
The social data from the Footer section is also on this page
The Contact form is also accessible from here
2. Degrees and Minors Tab
Undergraduate Degrees - clicking on the course buttons on the left displays the description and concentrations on the right
Graduate Degrees - clicking on the course buttons on the left displays the description and concentrations on the right
Graduate Advanced Certificates - Displays all available
Minors - data from the Minors section of the API shows up here
Clicking on a minor on the left displays its description on the right along with the courses on the bottom right
Each of these course links is clickable - course information shows up in a window
3. Employment Tab
Shows all of the data from the Employment section of the API
The button on the bottom right that reads "Where our students work !" opens up the map on being clicked
4. People Tab
The left panel first shows buttons with all the Faculty members
The 2 buttons on the top load up faculty members or staff members on being clicked
Clicking on a button with a faculty/staff member displays more details about that person on the right
5. Research Tab
The left panel first shows buttons with all the research/interest areas
The 2 buttons on the top load up interest areas or faculty members on being clicked
Clicking on a button with a interest area/faculty member displays the corresponding list of publications
6. Resources Tab
The 5 buttons rendered on the top open up popups
Clicking on:
Study Abroad displays a separate window for each place returned by the API
Forms displays a popup with garduate and undergraduate forms
As of when this project is submitted - the first 2 grad forms and the 1st undergrad form are downloaded/displayed- the other redirect to the IST website - the form URL is probably not updated
Advising opens up a popup that has a tabbed pane with all data from the API
Student Ambassadors and Coop Enrollment - open up windows with corresponding information and links
Tutoring and lab information is on the Resources page itself
Application Design
Application Design