
This is the readme for the book "Big Data Analytics with Java".

Before running the samples you need to follow the following steps.

  1. We use Intellij, but any IDE like eclipse can be used.

  2. We use maven so maven should be preinstalled or you can use the Maven bundled with your IDE itself.

  3. We use Java 8 for our samples. But java 9 can also be used.

  4. There is a main project called as "bdaj" in this repository. This project has the entire code of 10 chapters.

  5. The remaining four chapters that is chp3, chp 12 and chp 13 have their own individual projects in this repository and can be separately built in the IDE and used

  6. Note : The charts used in data exploration in all the chapters are part of the code of chp 3 project only in this repository.

  7. Within the java package of each chapter we have its respective "" file