
CodePath Facebook Website Security Week 9 Assignment


CodePath Facebook Website Security Week 9 Assignment

A screenshot of the Attack Stat on the MHN Server

Project 9 - Honey Pot

Time spent: 19 hours spent in total

Objective: Setting up a honeypot using Google Cloud Platform and intercept some attempted attacks in the wild.


A honeypot is a decoy application, server, or other networked resource that intentionally exposes insecure features which, when exploited by an attacker, will reveal information about the methods, tools, and possibly even the identity of that attacker. Honeypots are commonly used by security researchers to understand the threat landscape facing developers and system administrators, collecting data that might include:

  • Information about sources of malicious network traffic such as IP addresses, geographic origin, targeted ports, etc.
  • Information used to harden resources against email spammers
  • Malware samples
  • DB vulnerabilities such as SQLI techniques

Summary of the Attacks

Top 5 Attacker IPs Number of Attacks 13 6 3 2 2
Top 5 Attacker Ports Number of Attacks
23 17
5060 16
10050 6
1433 3
8080 2

Which Honeypot(s) you deployed

Honeypot (Dionaea with HTTP)

Any issues you encountered

Very challenging to configure the firewall and Google Cloud Platform because it was my first time.