Low frame rate
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Hi all,
We are trying to use the CameraPIX together with a MOV that has an alpha channel.
` let camera = CameraPIX()
camera.camera = .front
let overlay = VideoPIX()
overlay.load(fileNamed: "FreeSmokeYoutube", withExtension: "mov") { done in
let blend = BlendPIX()
blend.blendMode = .addWithAlpha
blend.placement = .aspectFill
blend.extend = .mirror
blend.inputA = camera
blend.inputB = overlay
self.record = RecordPIX()
self.record?.input = blend
try? self.record?.startRec(name: "tempvid")
The outcome though, it's really low frame rate. This is basically using the default configuration so, what could it be?
Hi, so there is a coulpe things that could be effecting the frame rate; video resolution and fps, device performance. Tho I think it’s actually the recorder. Try chaning these parameters in the RecordPIX. Sorry that the docs are down. Working on trying to get them up again.