Document for paper CryptoLLM: Harnessing the Power of LLMs to Detect Cryptographic API Misuse, accepted to the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2024, Bydgoszcz, Poland.
This code allows you to run CryptoLLM, a cryptographic API misuse detection tool.
The following is the workflow of CryptoLLM:
- Ubuntu 18.04 server equipped with an Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU at 3.10GHz, 251.0 GB RAM
- NVIDIA Tesla V100-PCIe GPU with 32GB memory
- Python 3.8.19
- JDK 17.0.7
- The
file lists all libraries for running, which are installed using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To decompile the APK, you have to install Jadx, a tool that requires JDK 11 or higher to run, in
We use four models (CodeBERT-base, CodeGPT-small, CodeT5-small, ELECTRA-base) in our experiments.
You can train these models and apply them to CryptoLLM.
- Original Dataset: 17,661 (benign: 8,689/misuse: 8,972)
- train:
- valid:
- test:
- train:
- Original + Mutated Dataset: 97,962 (benign: 41,018/misuse: 56,944)
- train:
- valid:
- test:
- train:
- Train
You can change the dataset to suit the task you want to work on, in --train_file and --valid_file of run_<model>.sh
cd train/<model> # <model>: codebert, codegpt, codet5, electra
sh run_<model>.sh
- Test
You must enter the bin file path, which is the model output of train, in --test_model of test_<model>.sh
You can change the dataset to suit the task you want to work on, in --test_file of test_<model>.sh
sh test_<model>.sh
You can easily use CryptoLLM. To run CryptoLLM, do as follows:
- You can change the parameters of
to suit your needs. If you run it with default settings, you will get results for the sample apk. The file is structured as follows:
python \
--f="../sample_apk" \ # The path to the target apk file folder
--o="../sample_apk_result" \ # The path to output folder
--p="./CryptoLLM_codet5.bin" \ # The path of trained model
--m="codet5" # The model type to use
- Once the settings are complete, just run it.
cd tool
You can see that the following results exist in the specified output folder. The result appears as file path -> result. An example is as follows:
com/example/brokencryptoabpscase4/ -> b
com/example/ecbinsymmcryptocorrected/ -> b
com/example/insecureasymmetriccipherabicase2/ -> m
title={CryptoLLM: Harnessing the Power of LLMs to Detect Cryptographic API Misuse},
author={Baek, Heewon and Lee, Minwook and Kim, Hyoungshick},
booktitle={European Symposium on Research in Computer Security},