
Expense Tracker built with Flutter, Firebase, and Plaid API

Primary LanguageDart

CCCC: Credit Card Calorie Counter

Table of contents


CCCC is an food-focused expense tracking application built with Flutter, Firebase, and Plaid API.

This project uses the following technologies:


Link Bank Accounts and Fetch Transactions Data

Open Plaid Link Connect Bank Account Fetch Transactions

Scan Receipt Image


Using image_picker, Google ML Kit's Text Recognition function, and Plaid API, I created a feature where users can scan the receipt image and match it with the transaction data from their debit/credit card.

  1. Pick Image to scan using image_picker package
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';

Future<File?> pickImage(ImageSource source) async {
  final image = await picker.pickImage(source: source);

  if (image != null) {
    final file = File(image.path);

    return file;
  } else {

    return null;
  1. Extract Texts and items from the file
import 'package:google_ml_kit/google_ml_kit.dart';

Future<ReceiptResponse?> extractTexts() async {
  logger.d('File exists. Start using [GoogleMlKit]');

  final imageFile = pickImage(ImageSource.camera)
  final textDetector = GoogleMlKit.vision.textDetector();
  final inputImage = InputImage.fromFile(imageFile);
  final recognisedText = await textDetector.processImage(inputImage);
  final textsWithOffsets = _getTextsWithOffsets(recognisedText);
  final nestedLines = texts.blocks.map((e) => e.lines).toList();
  final textLines = nestedLines.expand((e) => e).toList();
  final textElements = textLines.expand((e) => e.elements).toList();
  final textElementsMap = textElements.map((e) => e.toMap).toList();
  final response = await functions.processReceiptTexts(
    rawTexts: recognisedText.text.replaceAll('\n', ', '),
    textsWithOffsets: textsWithOffsets,

  return response;

Adding this for the text


  • constants: constant values such as urls, keys, etc
  • extensions: custom extensions for String or Enum
  • models: custom classes and enums
  • routes: for routing within the app
  • services: for using Firebase Authentication, Cloud Firestore, and Functions
  • styles: app-level ThemeData, TextStyles, ButtonStyles, and Color Palette
  • view: Scaffold-level ui components
  • view_models: view model for each view scaffolds
  • widgets: widgets that are used in view