
Primary LanguageHaskell


Prepare yourself for Charles the Penguin and the USSHeaven!

  • USSHeaven is an RPG about a cyberpunk family living on a ship orbiting the earth.
  • Gameplay, lore, and code structure are closely linked.
  • Type enforced everything! Despite a heavy use of (object) global state, USSHeavengine's level database search functions - and AI functions which rely on them - are carefully typed to prevent me from allowing AIs to make queries irrelevant to the concerns of their constituent condition-behavior objects.
  • Highly generalized abilities and buffs/debuffs. Layers of abstraction allow quick additions, but type-safety prevents non-sensical behavior. Anything (not stupid) is possible!
  • Lots of cute bishies . . . once I finish learning to draw >.> Right now the game is purely text, but I'm hoping to make it into more of a visual novel.
  • Space! The game takes place on an abstract, undirected graph. I was previously going for Cartesian spacial constraints, but if I make the rooms memorable enough, an abstract graph won't be too confusing, right?
  • Behavior graph directed conversations. Every node of speech branches conditional reply nodes. If no condition is met, there is an awkward silence until the need to speak arises again.

Running the Game

  • As of 2/Jan/2015, USSHeaven does not build, though there are several lovely unconnected constituent parts.
  • USSHeaven requires the Haskell Platform, as well as the package "netwire" (available on Cabal). I will add my own Cabal stuff later. Sorry about the inconvenience.
  • When I do get things running, you will want to open Play.hs with GHCi.

Reading the Code

  • Try this order:
  • Stat
  • UnitSheet
  • Identifiers
  • World
  • Action
  • View
  • UnitView
  • UnitAction
  • DmgCalc
  • AI
  • WorldAdvance
  • Play
  • Take a look at MathUtil for some fun combinator functions.