- 0
No problem
#22 opened by SomeJoker - 0
Dependancy on external price feeds
#20 opened by zhiqiangxu - 0
- 8
Quick provide and withdraw can lead to steal the assets present in the option contracts
#10 opened by montyly - 2
- 3
Lack of minimal amount check allows for the owner to steal the HegicPutOptions's funds
#1 opened by montyly - 1
- 1
- 1
Owner can create options without paying fee
#6 opened by montyly - 1
Lack of the zero value check can lead a user to not receive token when adding liquidity
#5 opened by montyly - 1
- 1
- 1
A low asset price can lead to steal assets
#2 opened by montyly