This project is intended to be used as a sample for deployment of kubernetes applications.
Basically this expose 3 apis:
- /ping
- /current-date
- /fibo/:n
The last one is good to test the capacity of the cluster by implement a fibonnaci with any number specified. Numbers great than 35 could crash your server :)
Build the image
docker build byjg/k8s-hello-node
Run the Image
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 byjg/k8s-hello-node
First create the Pods and the autoscale
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yml
Check if is OK:
kubectl get pods -l app=k8s-node -o yaml | grep podIP
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service-external.yml
kubectl get service
Run this to see the auto scaling working:
ab -n 500 -c 10 -s 600 http://<IP>/fibo/35
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service-external.yml
kubectl run terminal --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=alpine:3.8 -i --tty