
Unlimited Cloud Storage using Discord

Primary LanguageHTML


Unlimited Cloud Storage using Discord

Stars Forks Issues Commits

Live demo

Official website: https://discloud-storage.herokuapp.com/

Setup Guide

  • Go to railway.app or redis.com and create a new redis instance. Copy the connection URL and use as REDIS_URL environment variable
  • Go to discord and create a new server
  • Go to discord developer to create a bot
    • Go to "Bot" tab and create a new bot
      • Click "Reset token" and copy the new token, use it as DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN env
    • Copy the "APPLICATION ID"
  • Go to this link to add the bot to your server https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={CLIENT_ID}scope=bot&permissions=0 (Replace {CLIENT_ID} with the "APPLICATION ID" you have copied earlier)
    • Select the server you want and authorize
  • Go to the server and create a new channel, right click and copy the channel id, use it as DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID env
  • Run npm i
  • Run npm run dev


Deploy on Railway

With docker

docker run -dp 80:5000 --env REDIS_URL={REDIS_URL} --env DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN={DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN} --env DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID={DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID} napthedev/discloud:latest