
Liquid Wallet Kit

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION

Liquid Wallet Kit

WARNING: LWK is still early stage software, use it at your own risk.

Liquid Wallet Kit is a collection of Rust crates for Liquid Wallets.

Main Features

  • Watch-Only wallet support: using Liquid descriptors, better known as CT descriptors.
  • PSET based: transactions are shared and processed using the Partially Signed Elements Transaction format.
  • Electrum and Esplora backends: no need to run and sync a full Liquid node or rely on closed source servers.
  • Asset issuance, reissuance and burn support: manage the lifecycle of your Issued Assets with a lightweight client.
  • Generic multisig wallets: create a wallet controlled by any combination of hardware or software signers, with a user specified quorum.
  • Hardware signer support: receive, issue, reissue and burn L-BTC and Issued Assets with your hardware signer, using singlesig or multisig wallets (currently Jade only, with more coming soon).
  • JSON-RPC Server support: all functions are exposed via JSON-RPC Server, making it easier to build your own frontend, GUI, or integration.

Building from source

First you need rust, then you can build from source:

$ git clone git@github.com:Blockstream/lwk.git
$ cd lwk
$ cargo build --release
$ alias cli="$(pwd)/target/release/lwk_cli"

CLI Usage

Start the rpc server (default in Liquid Testnet) and put it in background

$ cli server start &

Create a software signer named sw from a given BIP39 mnemonic

$ cli signer load-software -s sw --mnemonic "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"

Create a p2wpkh wallet named ss (install jq or extract the descriptor manually)

$ DESC=$(cli signer singlesig-desc -s sw --descriptor-blinding-key slip77 --kind wpkh | jq -r .descriptor)
$ cli wallet load -w ss -d $DESC

Get the wallet balance

$ cli wallet balance -w ss

When you're done, stop the rpc server.

$ cli server stop


If you have a Jade, you can plug it in and use it to create a wallet and sign its transactions.

Workspace Structure

The projects are split into different component crates that might be useful independently.

Internal crate dependencies are shown in this diagram, where an arrow indicates "depends on":

  graph TD;





For instance, mobile app devs might be interested mainly in lwk_bindings, lwk_wollet and lwk_signer. While backend developers might want to directly use lwk_cli in their systems.


Run unit tests:

cargo test --lib

End-to-end tests need some local servers:

./context/download_bins.sh # needed once unless server binaries changes
. .envrc  # not needed if you use direnv and you executed `direnv allow`

And also the following docker images:

docker pull xenoky/local-jade-emulator:1.0.23
docker pull tulipan81/blind_pin_server:v0.0.3

Note: Failed test executions can leave docker containers running. To stop all running containers run:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

To run end-to-end tests:

cargo test

To see log outputs use RUST_LOG for example

RUST_LOG=info cargo test -- test_name
RUST_LOG=jade=debug cargo test -- test_name  # filter only on specific module

Test with a physical Jade

Tests using Jade over serial (via USB cable) need an additional dependency:

apt install -y libudev-dev

These serial tests cannot be executed in parallel, so we need the --test-threads 1 flag.

cargo test -p lwk_jade --features serial -- serial --include-ignored --test-threads 1
cargo test -p lwk_wollet --features serial -- serial --include-ignored --test-threads 1


To generate documentation you can use

cargo doc --no-deps --open


BEWallet was originally an Elements/Liquid wallet library written in Rust to develop prototypes and experiments.

BEWallet was based on Blockstream's GDK. Essentially some GDK Rust pieces were moved to this project.

This was used as the starting point for the Liquid Wallet Kit project. Parts that were not necessary have been dropped, many things have been polished, and new features have been added.

The codebase has been entirely re-written, and now it has almost no similarity with the original code.