Yet another retry utility in Python, avereno being the Malagasy word for retry.
$ python3 -m pip install avereno
$ python3
from random import random
def a_sometimes_failing_hello():
if random() < 0.5:
raise RuntimeError()
from avereno import retry
retry(a_sometimes_failing_hello, on_retry=lambda __1, __2: print("Oops..."))
> Oops...
> Oops...
> Oops...
> Hello!
The retry policy can be customized through the following arguments,
as described in help(avereno.retry)
Optional Keyword Arguments:
max_retries: number of retries after which GiveUpRetryError will be raised
max_sleep: cumulated sleep (backoff) after which GiveUpRetryError will be raised
on_retry: function to invoke _before_ each retry
init_backoff: initial backoff that will potentially increase afterwards
backoff_multiplier: multiplication factor between consecutive backoffs
set it to 1 for constant backoff
set it to >1 for exponential backoff