Build Status


The application should have following requirements:

  1. A News has caption, category, sub-category, content information

  2. The system supported to create News, update the content and browse the News records

  3. There are some validation rules when creating a News, eg. the length of the caption should not be longer than 80 characters

  4. Additional features supported which not mentioned above will be treated as bonus

How to build the application?

On Windows

gradlew.bat clean build

On *nix

./gradlew clean build

How to run the application?

On Windows

gradlew.bat bootRun

On *nix

./gradlew bootRun

Access and play around the APIs


  • add update/delete feature to category

  • add validation to category related operation

  • add back unit tests for category (news features are created by ATDD and TDD but category features just ATDD for saving time)

  • pagination

  • security

  • audit history