
Demo using Log4j 2 in payara micro

Primary LanguageGroovy


In order to use log4j2 as the default logger in payara micro, we need to

  • provide the following dependencies
    • slf4j-api.jar
    • jul-to-slf4j.jar
    • log4j-slf4j-impl.jar
    • log4j-api.jar
    • log4j-core.jar
  • use --logproperties {logging.properties location} to set the handler to be "org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler"


  • Java 8+
  • Maven 3.3+


$ mvn clean package exec:exec


$ java -Dlog4j.configurationFile={log4j2.xml location} -jar target/payara-micro/payara-micro.jar --logproperties {logging.properties location} --deploy target/payara-micro-log4j2.war

Then you would see the log message has prefix "log4j2 -"
And execute

$ curl http://localhost:8080/payara-micro-log4j2/test

to verify the application is deployed successfully

However this is kind of hacking and may have negative impact that I have NOT yet discovered