Sample project to show how to build microservices by using Kotlin, Spring Boo and Gradle
- API Gateway
- Discovery Server
- Resource Server
- Auth Server
$ SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=peer1 ./gradlew :discovery-server:clean :discovery-server:bootRun
$ SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=peer2 ./gradlew :discovery-server:clean :discovery-server:bootRun
$ SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=peer1 ./gradlew :resource-server:clean :resource-server:bootRun
$ SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=peer2 ./gradlew :resource-server:clean :resource-server:bootRun
$ ./gradlew :api-gateway:clean :api-gateway:bootRun
Please check the Auth Server README
- Go to http://localhost:9999/discovery-server/ to access the Eureka page via the API Gateway
- Call http://localhost:9999/api/server-info to access the endpoint for the Resource Server via the API Gateway