F00 b4r challenge

This repository contains my solutions to levels 3 and above of Google's semi-secret recruiting challenge, which I'm currently (Fall 2021) working on in my free-time. (Right now, I've finished half of level 4.)

What I share here are not necessarily my final submissions, but I'm deliberately also documenting work in progress, as well as some thought processes about coming up with the solutions.

Note that the challenge requires python 2.7 code with access only to standard libraries.

Why am I sharing this?

I'm currently (Fall 2021) in the progress of applying to several internship positions and would like to give potential employers some visibility into what my code looks like. Unfortunately, most of my current programming projects from my research work cannot be shared publically at this time. Thus, I'm making this repo public instead.

This repository is not meant for others to find and copy my solutions. In fact, I've taken a few measures to make this repository less searchable, for example I'm not including the original problem names and/or prompts.