- Swap 2 numbers in-place
- Iterating through an array
- Iterating through an object
- Using while-loop & for-loops
- Knowledge on Time Complexity
- Understanding on Recursions
- Knowledge of heap, stack, queues
- Basic operations of linkedList (How to iterate through a linkedList)
- Concepts on DFS & BFS
- Hashmap & Set (Remove Duplicates, two sums)
- Two pointers (merge, isPalindrome)
- Sliding Window
- Top K-th frequent element ** Need heap
- Merge Intervals
- Subsets
- Cyclic Sort
- Fast & Slow Pointers (More linkedList)
- In-place reversal of a linkedList
- Tree - BFS (Level-order-traversal) ** Need Queues
- Tree - DFS (Depth-first-Search) ** Need Recursion
- Backtracking
- Topological Sort (Graph)
- Dynamic Programming
- Bitwise XOR
- Modified Binary search